Why would I hire an inspection?
The average age of used housing stock in Spain is 43.5 years old*. 60% of Spanish homes were built without any energy efficiency regulations**.
Not only to detect hidden defects and save on unpleasant surprises, an inspection with our team will provide you with objective information to make an informed decision.
* According to a report prepared by the National Federation of Real Estate Associations.
**According to the Professional Association of Property Administrators of Madrid.
What is the cost of performing a Home Inspection?
The Home Inspector service fee is public and varies according to the size of the property to be inspected:
– 345€ for properties with a surface area of less than 100m2
– 395€ for properties between 100 and 199m2
– 445€ for properties between 200 and 299m2
– 495€ for properties between 300 and 399m2
– 545€ for properties between 400 and 499m2
– 645€ for properties between 500 and 699m2
– 745€ for properties between 700 and 899m2
– 895€ for properties over 900m2
The fee for the detailed plan service also varies according to the size of the property:
– 295€ for properties with a surface area of less than 100m2
– 345€ for properties between 100 and 199m2
– 395€ for properties between 200 and 299m2
– 445€ for properties between 300 and 399m2
– 495€ for properties between 400 and 499m2
– 595€ for properties between 500 and 699m2
– 695€ for properties between 700 and 899m2
– 845€ for properties over 900m2
What is a Property Inspection Report?
A property inspection report or Technical Property Inspection (TPI) is a technical study carried out by a registered architect where possible pathologies that a property has are reviewed with the aim of detecting them before they cause serious problems or before they are acquired. said property.
What does the inspection include?
The inspection includes the presence and mobilization of an architect or registered technical architect highly experienced in the execution of renovations, comprehensive renovations and construction of new works. This process involves not only physically inspecting the site, but also preparing a detailed report, asking direct questions during the visit, and following up on any questions after the report is delivered.
What does Hausum review in an inspection?
During the inspection we will review more than 200 check points of the property. The water installation, electrical installation, drains, air conditioning, insulation, part of the structure, finishes, windows, outdoor areas, community areas, terraces, etc. will be reviewed.
At what point do I have to do the inspection?
Before buying a property: It is advisable to make the inspection before purchasing the property, so that you are clear about its actual condition. This will help you avoid unpleasant surprises or costly repairs that may arise after the purchase.
After buying a property: If you have already purchased the property, you can still make a detailed inspection to ensure that your property is free of hidden pathologies. Remember that you have up to six months from the delivery of the property to claim hidden defects, and up to 2 years if it is a newly built property.
How long does an inspection last?
The time it takes to perform an inspection depends on the size and complexity of the property. Typically, a home inspection can last between 60 minutes and 90 minutes. However, on larger properties or with specific features, it could take longer.
Is it possible to see an example of a report?
You can download a sample report in the Report section.
Is the inspection superficial or deep?
Sometimes, limited access to the property prevents the execution of deep exploration works that require the use of specialized machinery to drill ceilings or walls. Faced with this challenge, our architects have developed an innovative strategy based on general visualization of the property. Through this approach, they can make detailed observations and accurate annotations without the need for intrusive interventions.
Can an inspection be made only for a hidden defect?
We will perform a comprehensive report; however, if you require an exclusive focus on a hidden defect, please let us know so that we can adjust our evaluation accordingly.
Can I be present during the inspection?
It is not necessary, but it is recommended that you be present during the inspection so you can ask questions and get a better understanding of the property and its condition. However, if you cannot attend, nothing happens, since our detailed report will provide you with all the information about the property and, if necessary, a subsequent call will be made with the architect to clarify any doubts that may arise.
Is the technician qualified?
All our technicians, without exception, are architects or technical architects with experience in projects, works and renovations who are more than qualified to carry out the report with the greatest possible professionalism.
Can I request an inspection of my own home?
We have experience in the inspection of newly constructed properties, where the project may differ from the final result, as well as in assisting owners seeking to evaluate the current state of their property.
Do I have to prepare the home for inspection?
You do not need to prepare the home for inspection. Our team is trained to evaluate the property in its normal condition to get an accurate picture of its current condition.
Can I request an inspection if I have already purchased?
Of course you can request an inspection after you have purchased the property. We have already carried out inspections on acquired properties to give greater peace of mind that a good decision has been made or to know the general condition of the property and be able to take measures regarding it.
How is the report delivered?
The report is delivered in digital form, being sent electronically to ensure efficient and accessible distribution.
When will I receive the inspection report?
Our goal is to deliver the detailed report within 24 hours of the home inspection. However, in exceptional cases it could take up to 48 hours, but we always strive to deliver reports as quickly as possible.
What happens if they find serious problems in the inspection?
If significant problems are identified during the home inspection, they will be detailed in the report. We provide you with information about the severity of the problem and possible solutions, allowing you to make an informed decision on how to proceed. If we believe it is appropriate to request a separate diagnosis, it will be specified in the report.
What if I have to inspect more than one property?
In this case, a 10% discount would be applied for subsequent inspections, as there are times when the property is not in the expected condition and acquiring it would be a nightmare rather than a joy.
What to do if we cannot check a part of the structure?
If a part of the property cannot be inspected and there are suspicions that it is not in good condition, this will be specified in the report and an additional diagnosis will be requested. For example, a tasting, a pipe inspection with a camera, etc.
What can I use a detailed plan for?
A detailed floor plan serves to guide construction, plan space, visualize architectural designs, obtain permits, estimate costs, document the property and facilitate maintenance. It provides accurate information and is essential in various phases from planning through execution and maintenance of a structure.
What are the payment methods?
We accept online credit card payments to provide a convenient and secure option. At the time of the transaction, you will be able to pay quickly and efficiently through our secure online payment platform.