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About us

Hausum was conceived at the time when Aleix finished his architecture studies and began inspecting homes for his friends and family.
During the pandemic, inspections increased, until one day he met Omar and they discussed the main problems of buying and selling apartments at a technical level, as well as the possibility of professionalizing the sector by creating an application that took into account It takes into account all the possible cases when inspecting a property.
It was then that they decided to join forces, with Aleix's career and Omar's vision, expanding their service and creating Hausum.

“When people face problems with purchasing a property, they need quick answers. Our ability to provide comprehensive, objective reporting at a reasonable price is the key to our success.”

Aleix Del CampoCo-Founder

Omar Lamarca

CEO, Co-Founder

Aleix Del Campo



Year HAUSUM was founded


Generated reports (1 November 2023)


Savings generated

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